Smarter Communications in the Digital Era

Smarter Communications in the Digital Era is a program offering your staff members tips at one go-to handle Outlook, Whatsapp, Teams, and Zoom more professionally. So that these communication tools are again used what they were invented for: to work, collaborate and communicate more efficiently.

The seminar Smarter Communications in the Digital Era is a half-day session, given by Gunnar Michielssen in English, Dutch, or French. He will present to your staff how to optimally profit from email’s advantages and how to manage that drowning feeling.

Smarter Communications in the Digital Era’s purpose is to improve your personal digital efficiency. Where necessary, the program takes into account the required conditions to really adjust a company’s Outlook habits.

Gunnar will address the attention that is needed to change behavior and not simply share a bunch of irrelevant knowledge.

=> Smarter Communications in the Digital Era opts for the “Foot-between-the-door”-strategy, including stories and small, logical steps, and thereby influencing the behavior that is difficult to adapt to.

Gunnar promotes a general coordinating approach to an entire department. If enough staff members follow the training, then new email habits are likely to succeed. If not, the participants will quickly revert to the group behavior.

=> Large groups can follow the sessions of Smarter Communications in the Digital Era at the same time.

Long-term approach: Although only one half-day session is required to initiate the process of change, various reminders will also be necessary to continue to draw attention to the problems at any given stage.

=> The offered promo materials such as tent signs with tips, gadgets, and posters, provide a lengthy confrontation with the theme.

Purpose: communicate better, less, and more efficiently

It is Smarter Communications in the Digital Era’s purpose to make your staff members communicate better and less and to help them work more efficiently.

  • Work more efficiently. After Smarter Communications in the Digital Era, staff members handle email and other digital tools more efficiently, making more time available for other tasks.
  • Better communicating. After Smarter Communications in the Digital Era, staff members write shorter and more structured digital messages.
  • Less unnecessary information. After Smarter Communications in the Digital Era, staff members only send digital messages when necessary or when it is useful. They will learn how they can reduce the risk of information overload, micromanagement, and what functions in Outlook and Teams will help handle incoming messages more rapidly.


Friday Dec. 16 2022

Friday Jan. 27 2023

Overview: what you absolutely need to know before you start

  1. Synchronous vs. asynchronous
  2. Simple vs. complex messages
  3. Onedrive vs. Teams vs. Sharepoint
  1. Overview: tool bar, tab bar, content pane, search bar
  2. How to use Teams and Channels properly?
  3. Default tabs in every channel
  4. How to avoid “Teams-inflation?”
  1. Notification settings in Outlook and Teams
  2. Time blocking: plan and track your workday
  3. From reactive to proactive workdays
  1. The rule of the four D’s: delete, delegate, do, delay
  2. The 4 D’s in Outlook
  3. The 4 D’s in Teams
  1. Cc, bcc, replay (to all)
  2. Recognizing important, useful, and useless (Teams-)messages
  1. Structure of digital texts
  2. Structure of paragraphs
  3. Subject lines in Outlook and Teams